The Pedestal, Canada’s first feminist periodical, launched in Sept. 1969 as the voice of the Vancouver Women’s Caucus. Famous for initiating the abortion caravan that shut down Canada’s Parliament for the first time in the country’s history, Women’s Caucus had a socialist bent, seeking radical change for working women by forming women’s unions and hosting a peace conference with women from Indo-China.

Women’s Caucus grew out of the heady battles in the late 60s at the newly created Simon Fraser University led by faculty and students seeking democratic control over curriculum and hiring decisions, challenging the institution to serve workers rather than business interests. Though as active as men, the women felt they were “just appendages” to the student movement, expected to do menial organizational work while men made theoretical speeches.


Women activists, mostly students but also two faculty members and some clerical staff, began to meet in July 1968 to analyze women’s place in the movement, at the university and in society and to figure out how to end their oppression. One of their first actions was to set up a clinic that provided, in a clandestine manner, information on how to access abortions, then outlawed in Canada. At the same time, they kicked off a campaign to repeal the laws and make abortion and birth control information a woman’s right.

By the summer of 1969, the group moved off-campus to expand their focus more to the problems facing women workers. Membership had swelled to 250 names on a mailing list. About 80 active members were organized into 12 action groups. The Caucus protested discrimination in hiring practices, especially in the federal civil service. The women picketed the post office for advertising during the Christmas rush temporary jobs categorized by gender with higher pay scales for male jobs. A women’s artist coop was formed. Child care forums were held. Women’s liberation groups were formed at UBC and Vancouver Community College.

Like the other action groups in Women’s Caucus, the Pedestal was a collective where everyone did the work and made the decisions together. Skills were shared. Individual by-lines were mostly rejected. Together, they wrote, edited, did the lay-out, concocted headlines that fit, produced the graphics, and cut and pasted-up the copy. It was a radical and exciting project at a time when women were shut out of the mainstream media and even the “hippie” paper, the Georgia Straight, was hostile to women’s liberation.

Two issues of the Pedestal were published in 1969. During the next three years, the 8- to 16-page Pedestal was published 10 or 11 times a year. Each month, 3,000 copies were printed at a cost of $100. By July 1971, there were 538 subscribers from across Canada and in the US who paid $2 a year. Caucus members sold individual copies for 15 cents at demonstrations and political events. It was always a hand-to-mouth operation that staved off closure several times only when readers responded to desperate appeals for donations.

The papers had to be addressed by hand, stapled and stamped before mailing. Bundles were taken to the post office to send to women’s groups in Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon and Halifax for a reduced rate. Bundles of 50 or more were delivered to 25 bookstores and grocery stores around Vancouver.

During those early years, the women’s movement grew at a hectic pace, and then split over myriad issues, including reform vs. revolution, the leadership of vanguard parties, making decisions collectively in a participatory democracy, homophobia, racism and _______. Women’s Caucus members increasingly focused on forming a women’s union. In July 1971, it voted to disband, turning its office over to women organizing a women’s centre.

The Pedestal continued to publish until August 1974 as an independent collective, covering news of the women’s movement but also turning more attention to theoretical considerations and the arts, particularly poetry. The Pedestal was resurrected in an issue dated only 1975 as a lesbian-feminist newspaper. After three issues, the last Pedestal was published in October/November 1975.

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Pedestal – Vol. 1, No. 1 – Fall 1969

  • Picketing against Trudeau
  • Women against myth in the education system
  • Human rights but not for women in BC civil service
  • Let’s fight back against discrimination
  • Controversy at Simon Fraser University
  • Women Conference planned
  • Motherhood: Myth and reality

 Pedestal – Vol. 1, No. 2 – Winter 1969

  • Confronting the Human Rights commission
  • Women organize in the NDP
  • Protesting women’s beauty contests at universities
  • Abortion information service

 Pedestal – Vol. 2, No. 1 – February 1970

  • Learned inferiority
  • Working women organizing
  • Abortion
  • Women’s movement growing in the Maritimes
  • Beauty contests

Pedestal – Vol. 2, No. 10 – December 1970

  • Regina Women confront doctors
  • Post office discrimination
  • Women in Canadian Unions
  •  Women’s liberation n national conference in Saskatoon
  • Cunningham protest party

Pedestal – Vol. 2, No. 2 – March 1970

  • International women’s day
  • Protesting abortion laws
  • Double oppression of Indigenous women
  • Fighting for daycare

Pedestal – Vol. 2, No. 3 – April 1970

  • Abortion campaign descends on BC legislature
  • Daycare victory at University of Toronto
  • Cross Canada Abortion campaign
  • Solidarity with Vietnamese women
  • Equal pay for women

Pedestal – Vol. 2, No. 4 – May 1970

  • Abortion cavalcade

Pedestal – Vol. 2, No. 5 – June 1970

  •  Abortion Rights
  • Labour Movements
  • Motherhood
  • Women’s Press Club
  • Health Department Hospital Costs
  • Radical Politics
  • NDP Women Organize

Pedestal – Vol. 2, No. 6 – July/August 1970

  • Proposal for working women’s union
  • Women’s liberation strategy conference
  • Women impacting the NDP
  • Meeting with Pierre Elliot Trudeau

Pedestal – Vol. 2, No. 7 – September 1970

  • Boycotting Cunninghams Drugs stores
  • Women in history
  • High school conference
  • Organizing women

Pedestal – Vol. 2, No. 8 – October 1970

  • Palestinian revolution
  • Boycotting Cunninghams Drugs stores
  • Dr. Makaroff jailed
  • Being a women cab driver
  • Wobblies: Industrial Workers of the World

Pedestal – Vol. 3, No. 1 – January 1971

  • Helen Keller
  • Canada Post Office agitation
  • A critical look at the royal commission on the status of women

Pedestal – Vol. 3, No. 10 – November 1971

  • Childbirth
  • Family day care

Pedestal – Vol. 3, No. 11 – December 1971

  • BC Federation of Labor’s conference on women’s rights
  • Texpack union strike
  • Poetry

Pedestal – Vol. 3, No. 2 – February 1971

  • Little feminists
  • Indo-Chinese conference
  • Hospital Unions
  • Single parenting
  • Living in collectives and communes

Pedestal – Vol. 3, No. 3 – March 1971

  • Women’s rights around the world
  • Indo-Chinese conference
  • Political prisoners

Pedestal – Vol. 3, No. 4 – April 1971

  • Victory at Raymur Place
  • Office workers
  • Royal wedding
  • Deeds of our foremothers
  • Birth control info in schools

Pedestal – Vol. 3, No. 5 – May 1971

  • Clerical and secretarial work
  • Indo-Chinese conference recap

Pedestal – Vol. 3, No. 6 – June 1971

  • Boycotting Cunninghams Drugs stores
  • Fashion
  • Libraries

Pedestal – Vol. 3, No. 7 – July 1971

  • Adoption
  • History of childbirth
  • Where babies come from
  • What hospitals are like
  • Vasectomy
  • Reviews of hospital’s baby book
  • Reviews of children’s books
  • Natural women, natural childbirth

Pedestal – Vol. 3, No. 8 – August/September 1971

  • Royal Commission Report
  • Sandringham private Hospital strike
  • Abortion
  • Exploring the Alaska Highway

Pedestal – Vol. 3, No. 9 – October 1971

  • Brantford texpack strike
  • Working Women’s Union
  • Male dominated art
  • Greater Vancouver Community Co-operative Child Care Project

Pedestal – Vol. 4, No. 1 – January 1972

  • Women of Africa
  • Women’s Liberation in England
  • Talking about China
  • Women and agriculture
  • Women and Marxism

Pedestal – Vol. 4, No. 10 – December 1972

  • Special Christmas poetry and graphics issue

Pedestal – Vol. 4, No. 2 – February 1972

  • Nellie McClung and Susan B. Anthony
  • Sisterhood is indeed powerful
  • Talking about China
  • UBC staff organize

Pedestal – Vol. 4, No. 3 – March 1972

  • International Women’s Day
  • UBC staff organize
  • Can women love women?
  • A Québecoise manifesto
  • Sandringham private Hospital strike

Pedestal – Vol. 4, No. 4 – April 1972

  • Schools and sex discrimination
  • UBC Union organizing
  • Rape: Public shame and private guilt

Pedestal – Vol. 4, No. 5 – May 1972

  • The breeding machine
  • Radical feminism
  • Anger
  • Self defense for women

Pedestal – Vol. 4, No. 6 – July 1972

  • Special summer bicycle issue

Pedestal – Vol. 4, No. 7 – August 1972

  • Women in law
  • Hospital Unions
  • Equal pay for equal work

Pedestal – Vol. 4, No. 8 – October 1972

  • Canadian Women’s Press
  • Sterilization
  • Unions
  • Average homes and gardens.

Pedestal – Vol. 4, No. 9 – November 1972

  • Fundraising for the organization
  • Notes on prostitution
  • Between the House and the White House

Pedestal – Vol. 5, No. 1 – January 1973

  • Vancouver Women’s Health Clinic
  • Equal rights to all women
  • Boycott Wardair

Pedestal – Vol. 5, No. 2 – February 1973

  • Special women’s music article
  • Vietnam and the Baez concert
  • Child care occupation force
  • Status of women at UBC

Pedestal – Vol. 5, No. 3 – March 1973

  • Wardair strike
  • Childbirth education
  • Women and mental health
  • NDP Lower Mainland regional conference for women

Pedestal – Vol. 5, No. 4 – April 1973

  • Religion and pornography
  • Denny’s and Wardair action

Pedestal – Vol. 5, No. 5 – June 1973

  • Vancouver women’s health
  • Sisterhood is powerful
  • Halfbreed
  • Don’t mourn, organize
  • Denny’s action
  • Selma James

Pedestal – Vol. 5, No. 6 – October 1973

  • Women’s legal aid clinic
  • Farm Worker’s Union
  • Vancouver Women’s Health Collective

Pedestal – Vol. 6, No. 1 – January 1974

  • It’s tough to be old
  • Women’s Theatre Co-operative

Pedestal – Vol. 6, No. 2 – February 1974

  • Unions

Pedestal – Vol. 6, No. 3 (renamed Women Can)

  • Housewives and social change
  • Art show review
  • International Women’s Day

Pedestal – Vol. 6, No. 5 – August 1974

  • Women and the health care industry
  • Women in the arts
  • Women’s health symposium
  • Action for women: conference report
  • Action for women: steering committee report

Pedestal – Vol. 7, No. 1 – 1975

  • Wages for housework
  • Herstory
  • Vaginal orgasms
  • Growing up lesbian

Pedestal – Vol. 7, No. 2 – August/September 1975

  • B.C. women’s Festival
  • Carpentry
  • The old woman legend
  • Herstory
  • Automotive maintenance
  • Bookkeeping

Pedestal – Vol. 7, No. 3 – October/November 1975

  • Molding of young women’s minds
  • Lesbian, Myths – Butch and Femme
  • BCFW Lesbian Rights Bill
  • Auto mechanics
  • Carpentry
  • Womenpower takes over
  • Health
  • Poetry
  • Herstory – Mothers and daughters
  • Dreams
  • Book review
  • Banks and credit